2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Programs of Study

Cooperative-Education (CO-OP)

What is Cooperative Education?

Cooperative Education at Naugatuck Valley Community College is designed to integrate students’ academic learning with career related work experience. The program is designed in the School-to-Career model with three interlinking components:

School-based learning - courses the students must complete in a particular major prior to beginning co-op;

Work-based learning - an employment experience in the student’s chosen field of study; and

Connecting activities - students must attend a weekly co-op seminar during their work experience.

Cooperative education provides students with an answer to a common question asked by employers “What experience have you had?” Upon successful completion of a Co-op experience students will have an up-to-date resume with hands-on experience in their field of study and three to six academic credits for their work experience.

Who is eligible for Co-op?

Students who have completed a minimum of 24 college credits and have maintained a “C” average overall and in their major and have a GPA of 2.0 or better are eligible. NVCC graduates are not eligible for Co-op. Students must meet specific curriculum requirements related to their major prior to enrollment in Co-op. In some fields of study Co-op is required; in others it is elective. Current majors with a Co-op component include:

(E - Elective; R - Required)

Automotive Technician (R)
Criminal Justice (R)
Drug and Alcohol Recovery Counselor (DARC)  (R)
Early Childhood Education (R)
Fire Technology and Administration (E)
Horticulture (R)
Human Services (R)
Legal Assistant/Paralegal (E)

Social Work Studies (E)


How Does Co-op Work?

Students who wish to participate in Co-op should meet with their program coordinator and fill out a Cooperative Education Application. The faculty coordinator will meet with the student to review his/her college transcript to ensure that all mandatory coursework has been completed and to discuss the type of work experience the student is interested in pursuing. The faculty coordinator will contact area employers to assist the student in finding a suitable Co-op placement. Students who enroll in Co-op must attend a professional development workshop on resume writing and interview techniques prior to beginning their work experience. Most Co-op placements require the student to complete 225 hours of paid work experience and register for a Co-op course.

How Is Academic Credit Awarded?

Faculty facilitators supervise the work experience through regular site visits and through the weekly Co-op courses. Granting of college credit is based on the evaluation of the student’s learning and job performance by the faculty facilitator in consultation with the employer. The awarding of credit is directly linked to the quality of the work experience and the learning that results.

Prior Learning Evaluation

Naugatuck Valley Community College acknowledges its role in assisting adults to learn throughout their lives; therefore the College enthusiastically supports the functions of continuing education in all divisions. The College promotes “learning as a lifelong process” and believes that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue different interests at convenient times and at different rates of speed.

Prior Learning Evaluation at Naugatuck Valley Community College was accepted by the President’s Cabinet in June 1982 as a result of a two-year study which originated within the College’s advisory system. The intent is to recognize the varied backgrounds of students coming to the College and to provide them with opportunities to begin their college careers or to make adjustments in their professions without duplicating proficiencies which they may already have attained.

No more than 50 percent of the credits required for a degree shall be awarded for prior learning. The credits must be awarded within the approved curricula of the College.

The student may apply for the evaluation of prior learning through one of the following procedures:

Credit by Examination

If the student wishes to have prior learning assessed through examination for select courses he or she may use:

  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • College-Produced Examinations

The assessment verifies that learning has occurred and that the learning is equivalent in level and nature to learning acquired in an approved college course or program. Please contact Division Directors for a list of courses available through credit-by-examination.

Advanced Placement

Degree credit will be granted on the basis of scores on the Advanced Placement Examinations administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. Students who earn scores of 3 or higher receive credit for the courses for which the examinations are stipulated as measures.

Board for State Academic Awards

(Charter Oak State College)
Students may also have their prior learning evaluated by Charter Oak College by calling (860) 832-3846.

Distance Learning

Distance Learning serves students who need flexibility in course scheduling and learning media. These courses are designed to instruct highly motivated self-learners whose busy schedules make a distance learning course a worthwhile option. Distance Learning courses are offered primarily through the Blackboard learning management system and will include media-rich learning objects such as video, audio and digital print. Computer literacy and high speed access to the internet, the ability to produce word processed documents and view electronic presentations are required, as well as specific technical settings on the computer being used. Refer to course description for prerequisites, as each course has different requirements. Distance Learning courses follow the standard academic calendar of the College and may include face-to-face class meetings. For more information refer to the Distance Learning section of the College website at http://www.nv.edu/Academics/Academic-Programs/Educational-Technology

Naugatuck Valley Community College offers 3 formats of Distance Learning delivery:

Online Courses
Online courses take place fully online and do not meet on specific days or times; they generally operate on weekly assignments and due dates.

Online Courses with Campus Requirement
These are courses in which all instruction occurs online but also require on-campus meetings, such as an orientation or testing.

Hybrid Courses
Hybrid courses are defined as courses whose contact hours are split between online and on-ground (in a classroom).

Special Interest and Group Contract Courses

Special credit or non-credit courses can be designed or existing courses tailored to meet specific requirements or needs of individual professional groups agencies businesses and industries.

These courses can be offered on an individual fee basis or on a contract basis. Contractual arrangements are possible for individual businesses or agencies to have courses given on campus and also on-site for their management mid-management secretarial and other staff to enhance their ability on the job. In the past these have included nursing home administrators area hospitals factories small business associations and public service agencies among others. Costs vary depending on instructional and administrative fees.