2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Standards and Services

Unit of Credit

Federal regulation define a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutional established equivalence that reasonably approximates not less than: (1) one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or 10-12 weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or (2) at least an equivalent amount of work as described above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit.

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

At NVCC we expect the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty is prohibited in accordance with the Board of Regents (BOR) Proscribed Conduct Policy in Section 5.2.1 of the BOR Policy Manual. This policy prohibits cheating on examinations, unauthorized collaboration on assignments, unauthorized access to examinations or course materials, plagiarism, and other proscribed activities. Plagiarism is defined as the use of another’s idea(s) or phrase(s) and representing that/those idea(s) as your own, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Academic Load

PART-TIME Students registered for eleven (11) or fewer credit hours in a semester are considered to be part-time students. Students have the responsibility to take the correct courses to meet graduation requirements in their academic programs, but students should seek the advice of their faculty advisor, counselor, or program coordinator. Students desiring to deviate from the recommended courses sequences must review such plans with their faculty advisor, counselor, or program coordinator. Financial aid students must contact the Financial Aid office to discuss deviations from their program of study.

FULL-TIME Students registered for twelve (12) or more credit hours in a semester are considered to be full-time students. Students have the responsibility to take the correct courses to meet graduation requirements in their academic programs, but students should seek the advice of their faculty advisor, counselor, or program coordinator. Students desiring to deviate from the recommended course sequences must review such plans with their faculty advisor, counselor, or program coordinator.

The average full-time student carries five courses (15-16 credits), depending upon program of study and/or academic preparation. Students who wish to carry more than sixteen credits, which is the maximum load allowed, must apply to the Dean of Academic Affairs for special permission prior to registration. The initial program of study for all students is developed at the time of entry to the College under the direction of the Director of the Center for Academic Planning and Student Success (CAPSS).

Course Changes

During the first week of each semester, students may Add/Swap courses. Students who wish to make course or schedule changes may do so without penalty on a space-available basis through the Office of the Registrar.

No student will be allowed to enter a course after the first week of classes without permission of the Division Director.

Class Attendance

Classroom attendance is an integral part of the college experience. The faculty of the College believe that regular class attendance is necessary for a student to derive the maximum benefit from the learning experience and the overall value of the classroom instruction. For absences due to extenuating circumstances, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor. Specific attendance and grading policies will be included in the syllabus for each class.

There are some degree and certificate programs which have special attendance policies that must be satisfied due to licensing requirements. Students should refer to the program handbooks for these specific requirements.

Make-up Work

Academic work missed during class absences should be discussed with the individual instructor immediately upon the student’s return to class. It is the student’s responsibility to seek out the instructor in this case during office hours or at a mutually convenient time. Specific make-up policies are at the discretion of the instructor.

Grading System

Credit Courses

For the purpose of computing numerical credit point averages, grades are evaluated as follows for each semester hour of credit:

Letter Grade Grade Scale GPA Equivalency Description
A 93-100 4.0 Distinguished achievement in all phases of the course or assignment
A- 90-92 3.7  
B+ 87-89 3.3  
B 83-86 3.0 High level of achievement in some phases of the course or assignment
B- 80-82 2.7  
C+ 77-79 2.3  
C 73-76 2.0 Basic understanding of the subject of the course or assignment
C- 70-72 1.7  
D+ 67-69 1.3  
D 63-66 1.0 Minimal performance in the course or on the assignment
D- 60-62 0.7  
F 0-59 0.0 Failure

Final course grades are computed to a whole number.  A grade at or above .50 truncated will be rounded up to the next whole number; any grade at or below .49 truncated will be rounded down to the whole number.


Final Course Grade = 72.49 = 72 = C-

Final Course Grade = 72.50 = 73 = C

Combined Academic Standing

The earned grades (GPA) will generate a status of Good Standing, Written Warning, GPA Probation, or Suspension. The record of credits completed is called Progress Evaluation, and will generate status of Good Standing or Progress Probation. The Combined Academic Standing (CAST) will include both of these evaluations.

Developmental grades do not count in the GPA. These grades will appear on the record with the # to designate their status. Note: since they do not count in the GPA, they will not contribute to academic warning, probation, or suspension.

Administrative Transcript Notations

The College uses a number of administrative transcript notations, apart from the grading system, to describe various situations. They are as follows:

  • Incomplete (I) - No Quality Points
    An Incomplete (I) is a temporary grade assigned to a student who, because of special circumstances, cannot complete the requirements of a course within the regular semester.  Faculty may require documentation to substantiate special circumstances.  The course work must be completed by the end of the next standard semester.  The Registrar will convert the Incomplete upon receipt of a Grade Change Notification Form.  If no Grade Change form is received by the end of the next standard semester, the “I” will be converted to the grade indicated by the faculty member based on a final grade calculated with zeroes for the incomplete assessments.
  • Withdrawal (W) - Student Initiated No Quality Points
    The College recognizes the potential for a student to withdraw from a course or to withdraw from college. Students have the right to formally leave a course or the College, and they also have the right to receive counseling and assistance in order to maintain enrollment in courses. Students are advised that course withdrawal may alter progress toward program completion. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss their decision with the instructor and their counselor or advisor when contemplating a decision to withdraw.
    • Withdrawal from Course(s)
      It is strongly recommended that students considering withdrawal from a course seek the advice of the instructor and a counselor or advisor. Students will be permitted to withdraw with a “W” notation no later than two weeks preceding the last Monday-Friday regularly scheduled class day. The last date for withdrawal will be published and announced.

   Withdrawals (with signature) can be made:

  • in person at the Office of the Registrar K516
  • by mail: NVCC Office of the Registrar K516
    750 Chase Parkway
    ​Waterbury, CT 06708
  • Fax: (203) 575-8085
  • On-line: my.commnet.edu

Requests must be received by the deadline within the withdrawal period (i.e. requests received by midnight prior to the deadline will be honored).

“W” notations are not computed in the quality point average.  If a student stops attending class, however, and fails to officially withdraw from the course, the instructor may issue a grade of “F”.

“F” grades are calculated in the quality point average.  To be official, all withdrawals except for those done on-line must be received and processed by the Office of the Registrar.

Note: A withdrawal from a course(s) may jeopardize your financial aid status, car insurance coverage, health insurance coverage and other benefits.

Note: A student may not obtain a transcript notation of “W” if there exists substantial reason to believe that the student has engaged in academic misconduct in the course. A transcript notation of “W” will only be permitted for such students when the final resolution results in finding the student did not commit academic misconduct in the course.

  • Audit (AU) - No Quality Points
    See “Auditing Courses” .
  • Pass (P)
    An administrative transcript notation for successful completion of courses taken on a pass/fail basis. Students failing will receive a grade of “F”.
  • Transfer (TR)
    An administrative transcript notation in lieu of grades for courses accepted for credit from other colleges and universities.
  • Never Participated (NP) 

A registration status used for students who have enrolled in coursework, but have failed to engage in an academically related activity by the predetermined census date. Students who receive an NP designation are no longer permitted to attend a course section after an NP has been reported. Additionally, they are not eligible to receive a final grade, and not eligible to access the learning management system for the affected course section.

The notations of “AU”, “I”, “M”, “P”, “TR”, “W”, are not included in the GPA.

”^” - Grades with a carrot “^” - This administrative transcript notation indicates the Fresh Start Option has been invoked. Those grades will not be calculated into the student’s GPA, but any course in which the student received a grade of C- or above can be used to satisfy graduation requirements. (Prior to Fall 2004, this notation was indicated by an asterisk “*”.)

”#” - Grades with a pound sign “#” - This administrative transcript notation indicates the courses are developmental and do not carry any credit for graduation nor are calculated into the student’s GPA.

Academic Engagement

While none of the community colleges are considered attendance-taking institutions, they are required to verify the academic engagement of each student in each registered course by demonstrating “academic attendance” or an “academically-related activity” for Title IV purposes. This must be completed prior to the predetermined census date of each traditional semester, as well as during periods of enrollment shorter than the traditional 15-week semester (i.e. summer terms). The purpose of this practice is to identify students who have enrolled in coursework, but have not demonstrated an academically-related activity as a means to accurately report official college enrollment and meet the regulatory standard of compliance.

Required Activity Prior to Census

All students are required to demonstrate academic engagement (defined below) in each of their registered courses no later than the predetermined census date of each period of enrollment. Students who make this demonstration in at least one of their registered courses shall be considered to have begun the period of enrollment. Students who do not make this demonstration in any registered courses shall be considered to have not begun the period of enrollment.

Students Who Begin a Period of Enrollment

Students who begin a period of enrollment shall be counted in official census data, reflective of their actual enrollment status. Students who then cease engagement in their coursework, without officially withdrawing from the college prior to the end of the withdrawal period, shall be assigned a letter grade of “F” with a corresponding last date of academic engagement for each affected course. These students shall be considered an unofficial withdrawal from the college, and be subject to Return of Title IV regulations, if applicable. The latest date reported by faculty shall be the date of determination for unofficial withdrawal from the college.

Students Who Do Not Begin a Period of Enrollment

Students who are determined to have not academically engaged in a period of enrollment leading up to census shall be assigned a registration status of “Never Participated (NP)” for each affected course. Students assigned an NP for all courses shall be removed from the period of enrollment, and shall be counted as “never attended” for enrollment reporting purposes. Courses with an NP designation are not counted toward a college’s official census, and affected students are not eligible to receive financial aid for courses assigned this status.

In accordance with federal regulatory definition, academic engagement (otherwise known as “academic attendance” and “attendance at an academically-related activity”) includes, but is not limited to:

  • Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction;
  • Attending a study group that is assigned by the institution;
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.

This does not include activities where a student may be present, but not academically engaged, such as:

  • Logging into an online class without active participation; or
  • Participating in academic counseling or advising.

The institution must make a determination of “academic attendance” or an “academically related activity;” a student’s certification of attendance that is not supported by institutional documentation is not acceptable.

Non-credit Courses

Non-credit classes, seminars, workshops and programs all meet The Non-Credit Program Development Quality Standards. Certification coursework and programs meet or exceed industry or professional standards. Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are awarded based on recognized international, national, or state standards. Letter or number grades are assigned by college instructors and trainers based on demonstrated knowledge attainment and/or skill achievement.

Grade Change Policy

The faculty member initiates the grade change process. Grade changes cannot be submitted later than one semester following the standard semester or session in which a course was originally graded. This policy is not intended to supersede the academic grievance policy or the policy governing incompletes. A grade can be changed only if it was miscalculated, if it was erroneously reported by the faculty member, or if it was an Incomplete that needs to be changed. Students will receive notification of the grade change from the Office of the Registrar.

Auditing Courses

Students who do not wish to earn course credit may be permitted to audit by notifying the Office of the Registrar of their intent at the time of registration within the first four weeks of the start of the course. Students must pay the regular tuition and college fees for each course audited.

The privileges of an auditor in a course are specifically limited to attending and listening. The auditor assumes no obligations to do any of the work of the course and is not expected to take any of the time of the instructor. The auditor does not submit any work and is not eligible to take any tests or examinations, nor to receive grades on all or any part of the course. Audited course(s) will be shown on the student’s transcript with the notation “AU” in the grade column and will not carry any credit hours or quality points. An audited course does not earn any credit toward graduation.

Independent Study

Faculty members in some subject areas permit qualified students to apply for Independent Study for credit and a grade when it has been proven that the student has the necessary background and qualifications to pursue this type of instruction.

The established syllabus in each independent course requires the student propose in writing the specific objectives and procedures of the independent study project. No more than one independent study may be taken in an academic year.

Before registration, a Request for Independent Study form (available from an academic division as well as the Office of the Registrar, Kinney Hall, Room K516) must be filled in with appropriate documentation and approved by the academic dean, division leader and the faculty member with whom the student will work. The proposal and the agreement become part of the student’s permanent record. A student must be matriculated in a degree or certificate program to be eligible for independent study.

Repeating Courses

Naugatuck Valley Community College has policies regarding repeating courses multiple times. The Board of Regents for the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities policy states: “No course may be repeated more than twice. The highest grade received will be used in calculating the student’s academic average. This does not apply to those courses that are designed to be repeated for additional credit.* College standards will be included in appropriate college publications and communications. These standards shall not be applied retroactively to the academic record of any student. A request for waiver of these standards shall be based on special circumstances and be approved by the college president, and be reported to the chancellor.”

*Courses such as music lessons, chorus, physical education, and wine and viticulture.

  1. After the freeze date the Registrar provides the Dean of Academic Affairs with a list of students who are taking a course for the 3rd, the 4th, or more times.
  2. Students who are taking a course for the 3rd time are sent a warning letter from the Dean of Academic Affairs.
  3. Students who are taking a course for the 4th time are sent a letter from the Dean of Academic Affairs and asked to make an appointment to discuss a waiver. The Dean’s office will contact a department chair, coordinator, or division leader to assist the student with tutoring, etc. so that the student will not repeat the course for an additional time.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory completion of fifty percent of the credits attempted (this phrase means actual continued enrollment beyond the add/ drop period) will be the minimum standard of good standing. Students receiving Federal Title IV financial aid must successfully complete two-thirds (66.66% earned credits/attempted credits) of the attempted credits.

Students who have completed 11 or fewer credits whose Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) falls below 1.5 will be given a written warning. Students who have completed between 12 and 30 credits inclusive whose CGPA falls below 1.7, and those who have completed 31 or more credits whose CGPA falls below 2.0, will be given a written notice that they are placed on academic probation.

Academic Probation

Students placed on academic probation are required to seek counseling and will have a restricted credit load. They will be required to see a counselor or advisor in the CAPSS prior to registering for the next semester.

Students on academic probation who fail to attain the required CGPA as shown will be notified in writing that they are suspended for one semester.

After a period of suspension, a student may be reinstated as a probationary student. Students are required to meet with a counselor to complete an Academic Suspension Appeal as part of the reinstatement process.

A student may request a review of academic status by the Dean of Academic Affairs. Students are required to seek counseling and reduce their course load before returning to the college.

Veterans whose CGPA falls below the required 2.0 GPA will be placed on academic probation for one semester. If, at the end of the semester, the veteran has not raised his/her GPA to the required 2.0, veteran benefits will be terminated and the Veterans Administration will be notified. Once the veteran has returned to good academic standing, his/her benefits will be reinstated.

Academic Advising

In addition to the Center for Academic Planning and Student Success, the College has a faculty advising system. Students who have formally enrolled in a degree program are required to have academic advising. First semester students must meet with an assigned counselor, advisor or faculty advisor prior to registering for the following semester.

Participation in Commencement Exercises

Students who, in order to fulfill their degree program requirements, need to complete no more than two courses in the Summer Session following the spring semester may participate in Commencement Exercises; however, such students will not be considered as having graduated until all graduation requirements are completed. Students must have met all criteria stated in the section on Graduation Requirements .

The December grade point average will be considered for honors recognition for the May commencement. If the grade point average changes when the grades for spring courses are recorded and honor status is affected, the official college record will reflect the changes.

Policy Changes

Naugatuck Valley Community College reserves the right to change requirements, courses, prerequisites, regulations, tuition, fees and other policies without prior notice. Waivers of these policies, due to extenuating circumstances, may be made by the President of the College upon written request.

Library Services

The Max R. Traurig Learning Resources Center Library is a full-service academic library fulfilling the needs of Naugatuck Valley Community College students, faculty and staff, as well as residents of Waterbury and its surrounding communities. The library’s policies and practices are developed using accepted industry standards current in academic and library literature. For more about our mission, goals, services, and policies, and all contact information, please visit nv.edu/library. The main library is centrally located on the Waterbury campus in the L building, between Ekstrom Hall and the Student Center, with the main entrance located at L-523. Level 5 services include Check Out & Returns, Reserves, and Information, and ready access to computers, printers, copiers and scanners, a study area, and books. The library may also be accessed from Level 4, at L-410. Level 4 areas include the library’s computer classroom, quiet and group study areas, DVD, VHS and CD collections, a children’s library area, current and back issues of periodicals, and staff offices. More books are located on the Mezzanine level, between Levels 4 and 5.

Library services in Danbury are located in room D201. Students can access reserve library textbooks and get research assistance from a librarian. Materials from the Waterbury campus can be requested through the online catalog at http://library.ct.edu/nvcc.

Digital resources such as journal databases, streaming media, and e-books are available on both campuses and via myCommNet. Off campus use requires a current student, staff, or faculty myCommNet username and password.

The Level 4 group study area includes a Collaboration Station, where up to 6 people can simultaneously use laptops or notebook style computers at a Mediascape to work together on group projects, as well as two study rooms equipped with whiteboard and monitors. Please note: laptops and Chromebooks are available to check out at the front desk in L523.

Library Services to Patrons with Disabilities Assistive technology is available for blind and low vision users, for use in the library and classroom. Library staff are available on request to provide accommodation for patrons with limited mobility.

Borrowing privileges are extended to NVCC students, faculty, and staff. All other Connecticut residents may also borrow most materials from the NVCC library at no cost. To register for borrowing privileges, bring proof of identification to the Check Out desk in L523.

Students, faculty, and staff at NVCC can also use all of the libraries in the CSCU system. Searching the system is easy and can be done using the NV Search at http://library.ct.edu/nvcc. Materials from other libraries can be requested from any library in the CSCU system and delivered to NVCC.

Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)

Located in Ekstrom 500, the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) is dedicated to helping Naugatuck Valley Community College students succeed and achieve academic success. The ACE is a complementary campus resource providing tutorial services in various subjects including math, writing, science, ESL, computer software applications, and accounting. Students can walk in and receive help from one of our professional or peer tutors who focus on students and their success. In addition, the ACE is where students can come for individual and group study, research assistance, exam proctoring, college success tip sheets, academic workshops and ACCUPLACER® preparation assistance. There are more than 45 computers in the ACE for student use. Students who frequently visit the ACE improve their overall grades and successfully complete their courses at higher rates than students who do not take advantage of the ACE. Phone: 203-596-8729 / Website: nv.edu/ACE

Modified Supplemental Instruction (mSI)

The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program at NVCC continues to evolve and grow. Currently we offer a modified Supplemental Instruction (mSI) program developed for developmental Math and English courses.

What is mSI?

mSI is the lab portion of the following courses:

What mSI is not

mSI is not a study hall.

Purpose of mSI

The purpose of mSI is to help developmental students gain the skills necessary to succeed in these courses by providing assignments that promote active learning, critical thinking, and transferable skills. Working together with mSI leadership, students put forward their best efforts to pass the developmental courses on the first attempt with a C or better, thus, improving students’ confidence to do well in the following college-level courses as well as improving retention rates.

Grading in mSI

Sections that meet once a week 10% of the overall grade comes from mSI and sections that meet twice a week 15% of the overall grade comes from mSI.


Naugatuck Valley Community College supports intensive and transitional (developmental students) (PA12-40 initiative) by offering mSI labs, which provides leader-guided learning sessions to improve student success with developmental English and Math courses. Students in the mSI sessions work on a computer platform with guidance from an mSI leader to build critical thinking and transferable skills. mSI also provides a place for students to review current course materials and clarify additional questions. Students in mSI receive participation percentage for their performance with the computer platforms.

What You Can Expect from an ACE Tutor

  • Encouragement
  • Motivation
  • Respect for Your Learning Style
  • Tips on How to Study for a Test
  • Assistance with Understanding Course Content
  • Patience

What ACE Tutors Expect from You

  • To attend class on a regular basis
  • To have specific questions
  • To bring information regarding course content and assignment details
  • Use tutoring as assistance is needed, not just before a test

Math Tutoring: The math lab offers a quiet, convenient environment for students to work on their math homework and projects. A collection of textbooks, solution manuals and calculators are available for use and tutors are available to assist students through the process of problem solving. All computers in the ACE are equipped with interactive  computer tutorials. We also offer access to MyMathLab®, a comprehensive software system designed to help students with basic mathematics through calculus with internet-based assignments and tests.

Writing Center: In the writing center, students can expect to receive assistance with a written assignment with the tutor paying particular attention to thesis development, argument, and organization. Our tutors help the student identify writing problems and develop possible strategies to correct them. The tutor helps in the brainstorming process when the student is just beginning a writing project. The tutor helps the student understand the purpose of an assignment. In the case of  grammar or punctuation problems, the tutor reviews the rules and makes sure the student understands the details. The student is ultimately responsible for completing the assignment and correcting his or her work. Students can usually expect a twenty minute session with a writing tutor and they should limit their sessions to two or three per assignment.

Science Exploration Zone: In the science exploration zone, students can receive science tutorial assistance in chemistry, anatomy and physiology, biology, and physics. The zone is equipped with computers, complete with science simulation software, microscopes, videos and textbooks. Students have use of anatomical models including full-body  skeletons, skulls, and vertebrae sets to aid learning and bring material to life.

Computer Assistance: Whether assistance is needed with designing a PowerPoint presentation, developing an Excel spreadsheet or learning the latest Microsoft Office version, tutors are available. Our peer tutors are experienced and eager to help students.

Placement Testing Preparation: Students are encouraged to review basic concepts in  grammar, reading, arithmetic, trigonometry and algebra before taking the placement test, especially if they have been away from school for more than a year. The ACE offers a number of resources to help students prepare, including study guides, practice tests  and tutors available to help strengthen skills. Contact (203) 596-8717 if you have any questions, or utilize our website at: nv.edu/ace or follow us on Facebook.

Program Administration

The academic programs of the College are administered by instructional divisions. It is important for students to be aware of the division in which their program of study resides. The following are the instructional divisions and the courses or program designations for which they are responsible:

Credit Programs

Allied Health/Nursing: Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care.

Business:Accounting, Automotive Technician, Aviation Science, Business Administration - Business Computer Applications, Business Finance, Computer Information Systems Technology, Computer Networking, Cybersecurity, Fire Technology and Administration, Hospitality Management/Hotel Management, Legal Assistant/Paralegal,  Management, and Marketing.

Liberal Arts and Behavioral/Social Sciences:  American Sign Language, Anthropology, Art, Center for Early Childhood Education, Child and Family Services, Communication, Connecticut State Legislative Internship Program, Criminal Justice/Public Safety, Dance, Digital Arts Technology, Disabilities/Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Recovery Counselor, Early Childhood Education, English, English as a Second Language, Geography, Gerontology, Graphic Design, History, Humanities, Human Services/Pre-Social Work, Interdisciplinary Studies, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy, Photography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Theater.

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics: Automated Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Biology Studies, Chemistry Studies, Computer-Aided Drafting/Design, Electronic Engineering Technology, Engineering Science, Engineering Technology, Environmental Science, Horticulture, Mathematics Studies, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Physics Studies and Technology Studies.