2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services and Programs

Center for Job Placement and College Opportunities (CJPOC)

Traurig Learning Resources Center & Library, Room L524
Phone: (203) 575-8158 • Fax: (203) 596-8794

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
Evening hours by appointment only.

Administrative Offices
Visit the calendar for days and times at nv.edu/jpc

The Center for Job Placement and College Opportunities’ (CJPCO) services include career planning, employer connections, cooperative education, internships, student workers and student assistants. Learn to conduct a job search, use Internet services effectively in all phases of career planning, including finding a career that suits your strengths and personality type, as well as the hiring outlook, salary information and educational requirements of careers of interest to you. Learn to write effective resumes and cover letters, interview effectively and connect with employers who are actively hiring employees or interns. Sign up for our online job posting board at

www.collegecentral.com/nvcc to view part-time, full-time,internship and work study job postings and to post your resumé.

All CJPCO services are open to alumni as well as to current students.

Workforce Transition Services

W.I.A. Programs The federal Workforce Investment Act (W.I.A.) offers a comprehensive range of workforce development activities through statewide and local organizations. Naugatuck Valley Community College is a partner with the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board. NVCC offers programs that are certified to provide education and training to adults and dislocated workers who have been awarded vouchers under W.I.A., these may include:

  • Job Seekers
  • Laid-off Workers
  • Youth
  • Incumbent Workers
  • New Entrants to the Workforce
  • Veterans
  • Persons with Disabilities
  • Employers

For more information, or to learn if you qualify, contact your local Department of Labor at www.CTDOL.state.ct.us. Once qualified by the D.O.L. students should schedule an appointment to determine an educational plan. Contact:

Linda Stango, Director of Workforce and Transition
190 Main Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Tel. (203) 437-9699


750 Chase Parkway, Room L524
Waterbury, CT 06708
Tel. (203) 575-8221

Center for Academic Planning and Student Success (CAPSS)

Kinney Hall Room K520
Phone: 203-575-8025
Fax: 203-596-8610
Email: CAPSS@nv.edu

The counselors and advisors in the CAPSS assist students with academic advising along with a variety of career, transfer and personal concerns. Appointments may be made in person, by phone or email at the contact information above. Services are also available at the Danbury Campus: Second Floor, Administrative Offices.

  • NEW students to the college who want to know about admissions and program requirements should contact the Admissions Office at (203) 575-8040.
  • CONTINUING students to the college should contact their faculty advisor: A list of advisors can be found in the CAPSS office or by logging into my.Commnet.edu.
  • Academic Advising Academic advising is offered to assist students in recognizing the options that are available for their educational planning, to illustrate the need to plan ahead, to learn the language of educational planning, learn the optimal sequence of courses, identify academic requirements and electives, educational decision making, and develop an overall educational plan.
  • Testing Center Listed below are the tests offered and administered in the Testing Center. Students may elect to have prior learning evaluated by the following examination options:
    • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows individuals to earn college credit for what they already know. NVCC awards credit for successful scores on CLEP exams. CLEP tests may be taken at Naugatuck Valley through the Testing Center.
    • Credit by Examination - Some divisions and departments of the College produce their own examinations for credit. Contact your advisor or the Testing Center for more information.
  • Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Students applying to the Nursing or Physical Therapist Assistant programs are required to take the TEAS.
  • Accuplacer (Placement Test) Incoming students enrolled in a degree or certificate program are required to take the placement test to assess academic skills in mathematics, English and reading.
  • Career Counseling Career counseling is an educational and developmental process that is dedicated to student self-realization and self-direction, and assists students in developing skills in career decision making. In collaboration with the CJPCO, CAPSS offers several career planning opportunities including career assessments and individual career counseling appointments.
  • Personal Counseling Counseling within the CAPSS office takes a holistic approach to student success. Short term counseling services are provided by professionally trained counselors for personal concerns. Some concerns for personal counseling include but are not limited to; academic issues and dilemmas, making life decisions, developing self-confidence, managing stress, and alleviating personal barriers to success in college. Referrals to outside agencies are made as needed.
  • Transfer Planning Students planning to transfer upon graduation to other colleges or universities should meet with their academic advisor or see a counselor early in their academic studies. Credits that are transferable and applicable vary from college to college, so it is critical that students learn about the college of their choice and the transfer process for that college. CAPPS hosts semiannual Transfer Fairs for students in which area colleges and universities are represented.

Transfer Information

Counselors and/or advisors provide assistance for students who plan to transfer into a four-year college or university. Information is available in CAPSS on the transfer of credits, scholarships, financial aid and admission requirements for both in-state and out-of-state colleges and universities. Students should consult with their receiving institutions to confirm that courses will transfer.

Transfer to the Connecticut State Universities (CSU’s)

Graduates of the Connecticut Community Colleges with a GPA of 2.0 or higher are guaranteed admission to the state university of their choice within the Connecticut State College and University System. Students must adhere to the application deadlines. See the Center for Academic Planning and Student Success (CAPSS) for details.

Transfer Ticket Degrees allow NVCC students to complete associate degree programs that transfer without hassle to all Connecticut State Universities and Charter Oak State College offering their major. Upon transfer, students are guaranteed full junior status and can complete a bachelor’s degree in their major without losing any credits or be required to take any extra credits.1

For students who wish to start a bachelor degree at NVCC, we offer Transfer Tickets Programs in the following degrees:

Accounting (Business) Early Childhood (Teacher Credential) Physics
Art English Political Science
Biology Finance (Business) Psychology
Business Administration History Social Work
Chemistry Italian Sociology
Communication Marketing (Business) Spanish
Computer Science Management (Business) Theater
Criminology Mathematics  

For additional information regarding these programs, please see an NVCC advisor and review

information at the CSCU Transfer Ticket Website at http://www.ct.edu/transfer/tickets

1Note: Transfer Tickets do not include seamless transfer to the University of Connecticut.

Transfer to the University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut (UCONN) offers the Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP), an agreement between the University and the Connecticut Community Colleges. Naugatuck Valley students may apply if they:

  • Complete an application through the Center for Academic Planning and Student Success (CAPSS) prior to completion of 30 transferrable credits
  • Limit to majors offered in UCONN’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Complete a prescribed articulation program at NVCC
  • Earn a minimum 3.0 GPA upon graduation from NVCC
  • Observe the application procedures and deadlines within the agreement

Other articulations currently exist for programs at UCONN’s Waterbury Campus:

  • Business and Technology
  • Urban and Community Studies
  • Bachelors of General Studies

NVCC students are free to apply for transfer to any of UCONN’s many colleges and programs at any time. Many of these programs are very competitive. It is important that the student consult with their faculty advisor or the CAPSS for advisement.

NVCC also has various transfer articulation agreements with the following colleges and universities located in Connecticut:

  • Fairfield University
  • Quinnipiac University
  • Saint Joseph College
  • Sacred Heart University
  • University of Bridgeport
  • University of Hartford
  • University of New Haven

Student Insurance/Accident Reports

Injuries acquired as the result of a school related activity must be reported to the faculty or staff member in charge and to the Office of Disability Services within 24 hours of the time of the injury. Accident report forms are available in this office. For more information, contact the Office of Disability Services.

Services for Students with Disabilities

Kinney Hall Room K519
Phone: 203-596-8608

Facilities at this college are uniquely appropriate to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Elevators are available to accommodate students in wheelchairs, making classrooms accessible to all students.

During the admissions process students with disabilities who may require accommodations are strongly encouraged to identify themselves to the Admissions Office. This will enable college support staff to provide appropriate assistance with program planning, placement testing, course scheduling and classroom accessibility appropriate to the student’s needs.

After submitting appropriate documentation and completing the disabilities disclosure process, students with disabilities who may require accommodations must contact the Counselor for Students with Disabilities in the CAPSS Office.

Students may discuss their needs with individual instructors. Discussions with faculty should occur at the beginning of each semester and each time an accommodation is required. Instructors, in conjunction with appropriate college officials, will provide assistance/accommodations only to those students who have completed the disclosure and accommodation process. If a student does not disclose a disability, the College will be unable to provide accommodations. The College reserves the right to determine the nature and extent of appropriate academic accommodations. Students requiring ambulatory assistance are strongly encouraged to identify themselves to the Office of Disability Services so that emergency evacuation plans may be made.

The College makes every attempt to adhere to both the guidelines and spirit of the Americans With Disabilities Act.

Women’s Center

Kinney Hall Room K405
Phone: (203) 575-8288 or (203) 596-8680
Website: nv.edu/women
Facebook: NVCC Women’s Center

The Women’s Center at NVCC assists students to achieve their full potential in education, career, and personal life, as they face and overcome issues unique to women. The Women’s Center provides support for NVCC student’s intellectual and academic growth, professional development, and personal empowerment.

The Women’s Center is a safe place for all women to gather, explore, and share their experiences. The Center facilitates education on issues related to feminism, gender, and domestic and sexual violence.

The Women’s Center organizes events of interest to students and the college community such as book discussions, film documentaries, discussion groups, speaker series, workshops and more.

The Women’s Center provides resources for students in the areas of crisis intervention, confidential counseling, and community services.

For information on hours and upcoming events, like us on Facebook “NVCC Women’s Center.”


An orientation program for all new students is designed to assist in the successful transition from high school, home or the workplace to Naugatuck Valley Community College. It is intended to provide entering students with information concerning academic policies, study skills, general college procedures and requirements, the academic expectations of the College, the co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities, and the available student services. Students should be better able to make reasoned and well-informed choices as a consequence of participation. It is expected that all students new to NVCC attend orientation.

Student Activities

A variety of more than 33 social and educational clubs and organizations are available for participation by full and part-time students attending the College. These organizations are designed around the needs and interests of the student population. They are continuously being developed by the Office of Student Activities in conjunction with students and members of the College’s faculty and staff who serve as advisors. Students are encouraged to join campus organizations as a means of meeting new friends and obtaining experiential learning opportunities outside their regular classroom programs. Funding for all clubs and organizations is provided by the Student Activity Fee and dispersed by the Student Government Association. In addition, students can find academic honor opportunities in the Academic Standards section.

Student Government

The Student Government Association of Naugatuck Valley Community College is the recognized governing body representing the concerns and interests of the College’s student community. Membership consists of representatives elected from each of the various student clubs and organizations, senators who have successfully collected petition signatures from fifty (50) members of the general student body, and four (4) officers elected each spring semester. Membership is open to all full and part-time students interested in participating. Regular weekly meetings are open to the campus community. The Student Government is responsible for the recognition and funding of all student clubs and organizations on campus. Operating funds for the Student Government are provided by the Student Activity Fee.

NVCC Alumni Association

The NVCC Alumni Association offers alumni and their families educational and cultural programs, usually at no cost. Alumni are invited to volunteer to tutor or mentor NVCC students. Alumni Association members hold their own events and often contribute to scholarships. The Development Office has more information.

Public Safety Services

The Public Safety Department is located in the Core Building, Room C122. The department employs sworn police officers, building and grounds officers and telecommunication operators. Sworn members of this department are empowered with all rights and responsibilities of their position as a police officer.


Specific parking areas are designated for visitors, students, faculty and staff. Parking permits are required for all faculty and staff and may be obtained at the Public Safety Office located in the Core Building, Room C122.

Students may park on a first-come, first-served basis in D lot, E lot, F lot, and P1/P2 of the core garages, overflow lot, roadways where designated, except in those areas designated as handicapped, visitors, fire lanes or grass areas, and in those identified by a sign on special occasions. There is NO student parking in C lot or the Ekstrom garage, Monday-Friday, 6:00 am-5:00 pm. The lack of parking space does not permit the violation of a parking regulation. Vehicles may be towed if they are in violation of the parking regulations without notice to the owner. The speed limit on the roadways is 15 miles per hour.

Parking at Danbury Campus

All students are required to display a parking tag for the Danbury Parking Authority. Parking tags for students are available in the administrative office at the NVCC Danbury Campus located at 190 Main Street, Danbury, CT.

The College does not assume responsibility for any motor vehicle, parked or in motion, or its contents.

Services Offered by the Department

The Public Safety Department responds to several types of calls for service including:

  • a safety escort,
  • assistance during emergency evacuations,
  • assistance during medical emergencies*,
  • lost and found property,
  • motor vehicle accidents, and
  • any suspected criminal act.

* In the event of an emergency, go to the nearest phone and dial either 58112 or 58113 for assistance.

Public Safety offers LiveSafe a free app which provides a 24/7 link to our campus public safety, virtual escort services, access to safety resources, and an easy way for everyone to communicate their safety needs. Visit nv.edu/livesafe for more information.

Report on Campus Crime

In compliance with Connecticut General Statutes section 10a-55a, the Federal Higher Education Act of 1998, concerning campus safety, the Public Safety Department produces a yearly report which identifies the mandated crimes reported and investigated on campus. This report is available on the website at nv.edu/cleryreport, posted throughout campus and in the Public Safety Office.

Campus Resource Team (CRT)

In compliance with state and federal regulations, the Campus Resource Team (CRT) will assist the College in addressing issues of Sexual Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence. The CRT consists of members of the NVCC Community as well as the local community and law enforcement. This team will meet regularly to discuss, suggest, develop, guide, and support ways to make NVCC more aware of and sensitive to the issues of Sexual Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence as well as the College policies and procedures that address these issues.

Child Development Center

The Center for Early Childhood Education is designed to foster the social, physical, emotional and intellectual growth of each child by providing a warm, nurturing and enriching environment. The Center is the academic component of the Early Childhood Education Program and serves as a training center for student teachers. The Center is accredited and utilizes the Reggio Emilia Approach and the Connecticut State Frameworks. Children must be 18 months of age to enroll in the toddler program and three years of age to enroll in the pre-school program.

The extended-day program is offered:

  Monday-Thursday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
  Friday 7:30 am - 12:00 noon

The half-day program is offered:

  Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 12:00 noon

Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Traditionally, there is a waiting list of two to three years. For more information, contact The Center at (203) 596-8604.

School Readiness Component

Through the School Readiness initiative children may attend The Center. Children must be 3 years old to attend and with a priority for residents of Waterbury to apply. Fees are set according to a sliding fee scale. The children may attend 7:30 am - 5:30 pm, five days per week, 50 weeks per year. For more information contact The Center at (203) 596-8604.


George D. Yonan Memorial Bookstore

The college bookstore is located on the third level of the Student Center, Room S304. In addition to textbooks, the bookstore offers course materials, supplies, clothing, electronics, gift items, etc. Regular bookstore hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm and Friday 8:30 am-1:00 pm. Extended bookstore hours at the beginning of each semester are posted on the web site at nv.edu/bookstore as well as the T.V. monitors throughout the campus. Textbooks may also be ordered on line through our on-line ordering system

REFUND POLICY: Textbooks may be returned for full refund or exchange during the first week of the semester. Books must be clean, unmarked, in original packaging if purchased that way and not damaged in any way. Cash register receipt MUST accompany ALL book returns. Electronics are not returnable. Clothing is returnable as long as all tags are still attached to merchandise.

Dining Services

Marigolds Café (Student Center 5th floor - Full service café through 2 pm daily / grab and go service until 6 pm.)
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm / Friday: 7:30 am - 1:00 pm
Jacobys Café (Founders Hall - Hot and cold beverages, snacks, pastry, soup, grab and go sandwiches and prepared salads daily.)

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am - 1:45 pm / Closed Friday

In addition, vending services are available 24 hours a day at:

  • Student Center Cafeteria
  • Ekstrom Hall, 5th and 6th Floors
  • Founders Hall
  • Kinney Hall, 5th and 7th Floors
  • Technology Hall, 5th Floor

Other Services

Two ATMs are located on the 5th Avenue Walkway.

Bridge to College

In its strategic plan, NVCC committed to creating and strengthening bridge programs with local high schools that contribute to preparing college-ready students. These initiatives fall under the Bridge to College Office and include programs that have been in place for a number of years, such as GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs), as well as new initiatives that were recently funded. These programs include:

  • Upward Bound
  • Upward Bound Math and Science
  • Perkins
  • College and Career Pathways (CCP)
  • Male Encouragement Network (MEN)

For more information visit https://www.nv.edu/Academics/Academic-Programs/Bridge-to-College

Assessment Expectations

Students at Naugatuck Valley Community College are expected to spend several hours during their college career in college-wide outcome assessment activities, such as tests, surveys and interviews.

Conntac-EOC Office

The Connecticut Talent Assistance Cooperative (CONNTAC) is a state agency funded by the United States Department of Education. A regional CONNTAC Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) is located on the Naugatuck Valley Community College campus. Services offered through the Center include: academic and career counseling, college referral and financial aid planning. For more information, call (203) 574-1140.